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Supported Databases

The Database Guide provides an overview of setting up databases and the specifics of each DB type.

1 -

The recommended connector library to is impyla.

The expected connection string is formatted as follows:


2 - Amazon Athena

AWS Athena


PyAthenaJDBC is a Python DB 2.0 compliant wrapper for the Amazon Athena JDBC driver.

The connection string for Amazon Athena is as follows:


Note that you’ll need to escape & encode when forming the connection string like so:

s3://... -> s3%3A//...


You can also use PyAthena library (no Java required) with the following connection string:


3 - Amazon Redshift

AWS Redshift

The sqlalchemy-redshift library is the recommended way to connect to Redshift through SQLAlchemy.

You’ll need to the following setting values to form the connection string:

  • User Name: userName
  • Password: DBPassword
  • Database Host: AWS Endpoint
  • Database Name: Database Name
  • Port: default 5439

Here’s what the connection string looks like:

redshift+psycopg2://<userName>:<DBPassword>@<AWS End Point>:5439/<Database Name>

4 - Apache Drill

Apache Drill


The recommended way to connect to Apache Drill is through SQLAlchemy. You can use the sqlalchemy-drill package.

Once that is done, you can connect to Drill in two ways, either via the REST interface or by JDBC. If you are connecting via JDBC, you must have the Drill JDBC Driver installed.

The basic connection string for Drill looks like this:


To connect to Drill running on a local machine running in embedded mode you can use the following connection string:



Connecting to Drill through JDBC is more complicated and we recommend following this tutorial.

The connection string looks like:



We recommend reading the Apache Drill documentation and read the Github README to learn how to work with Drill through ODBC.

5 - Apache Druid

Apache Druid

Use the SQLAlchemy / DBAPI connector made available in the pydruid library.

The connection string looks like:


Customizing Druid Connection

When adding a connection to Druid, you can customize the connection a few different ways in the Add Database form.

Custom Certificate

You can add certificates in the Root Certificate field when configuring the new database connection to Druid:

<img src={useBaseUrl("/img/root-cert-example.png")} />{" “}

When using a custom certificate, pydruid will automatically use https scheme.

Disable SSL Verification

To disable SSL verification, add the following to the Extras field:

	{"scheme": "https", "ssl_verify_cert": false}}

6 - Apache Hive

Apache Hive

The pyhive library is the recommended way to connect to Hive through SQLAlchemy.

The expected connection string is formatted as follows:


7 - Apache Impala

Apache Impala

The recommended connector library to Apache Impala is impyla.

The expected connection string is formatted as follows:


8 - Apache Kylin

Apache Kylin

The recommended connector library for Apache Kylin is kylinpy.

The expected connection string is formatted as follows:


9 - Apache Pinot

Apache Pinot

The recommended connector library for Apache Pinot is pinotdb.

The expected connection string is formatted as follows:


10 - Apache Solr

Apache Solr

The sqlalchemy-solr library provides a Python / SQLAlchemy interface to Apache Solr.

The connection string for Solr looks like this:


11 - Apache Spark SQL

Apache Spark SQL

The recommended connector library for Apache Spark SQL pyhive.

The expected connection string is formatted as follows:


12 - Clickhouse


To use Clickhouse with StreamZero you will need to add the following Python libraries:


If running StreamZero using Docker Compose, add the following to your ./docker/requirements-local.txt file:


The recommended connector library for Clickhouse is sqlalchemy-clickhouse.

The expected connection string is formatted as follows:


Here’s a concrete example of a real connection string:


If you’re using Clickhouse locally on your computer, you can get away with using a native protocol URL that uses the default user without a password (and doesn’t encrypt the connection):


13 - CockroachDB


The recommended connector library for CockroachDB is sqlalchemy-cockroachdb.

The expected connection string is formatted as follows:


14 - CrateDB


The recommended connector library for CrateDB is crate. You need to install the extras as well for this library. We recommend adding something like the following text to your requirements file:


The expected connection string is formatted as follows:


15 - Databricks


To connect to Databricks, first install databricks-dbapi with the optional SQLAlchemy dependencies:

pip install databricks-dbapi[sqlalchemy]

There are two ways to connect to Databricks: using a Hive connector or an ODBC connector. Both ways work similarly, but only ODBC can be used to connect to SQL endpoints.


To use the Hive connector you need the following information from your cluster:

  • Server hostname
  • Port
  • HTTP path

These can be found under “Configuration” -> “Advanced Options” -> “JDBC/ODBC”.

You also need an access token from “Settings” -> “User Settings” -> “Access Tokens”.

Once you have all this information, add a database of type “Databricks (Hive)” in StreamZero, and use the following SQLAlchemy URI:

databricks+pyhive://token:{access token}@{server hostname}:{port}/{database name}

You also need to add the following configuration to “Other” -> “Engine Parameters”, with your HTTP path:

{"connect_args": {"http_path": "sql/protocolv1/o/****"}}


For ODBC you first need to install the ODBC drivers for your platform.

For a regular connection use this as the SQLAlchemy URI:

databricks+pyodbc://token:{access token}@{server hostname}:{port}/{database name}

And for the connection arguments:

{"connect_args": {"http_path": "sql/protocolv1/o/****", "driver_path": "/path/to/odbc/driver"}}

The driver path should be:

  • /Library/simba/spark/lib/libsparkodbc_sbu.dylib (Mac OS)
  • /opt/simba/spark/lib/64/ (Linux)

For a connection to a SQL endpoint you need to use the HTTP path from the endpoint:

{"connect_args": {"http_path": "/sql/1.0/endpoints/****", "driver_path": "/path/to/odbc/driver"}}

16 - Dremio


The recommended connector library for Dremio is sqlalchemy_dremio.

The expected connection string for ODBC (Default port is 31010) is formatted as follows:


The expected connection string for Arrow Flight (Dremio 4.9.1+. Default port is 32010) is formatted as follows:


This blog post by Dremio has some additional helpful instructions on connecting StreamZero to Dremio.

17 - Elasticsearch


The recommended connector library for Elasticsearch is elasticsearch-dbapi.

The connection string for Elasticsearch looks like this:




Elasticsearch as a default limit of 10000 rows, so you can increase this limit on your cluster or set Feris’s row limit on config

ROW_LIMIT = 10000

You can query multiple indices on SQL Lab for example

SELECT timestamp, agent FROM "logstash"

But, to use visualizations for multiple indices you need to create an alias index on your cluster

POST /_aliases
    "actions" : [
        { "add" : { "index" : "logstash-**", "alias" : "logstash_all" } }

Then register your table with the alias name logstasg_all

Time zone

By default, StreamZero uses UTC time zone for elasticsearch query. If you need to specify a time zone, please edit your Database and enter the settings of your specified time zone in the Other > ENGINE PARAMETERS:

    "connect_args": {
        "time_zone": "Asia/Shanghai"

Another issue to note about the time zone problem is that before elasticsearch7.8, if you want to convert a string into a DATETIME object, you need to use the CAST function,but this function does not support our time_zone setting. So it is recommended to upgrade to the version after elasticsearch7.8. After elasticsearch7.8, you can use the DATETIME_PARSE function to solve this problem. The DATETIME_PARSE function is to support our time_zone setting, and here you need to fill in your elasticsearch version number in the Other > VERSION setting. the StreamZero will use the DATETIME_PARSE function for conversion.

18 - Exasol


The recommended connector library for Exasol is sqlalchemy-exasol.

The connection string for Exasol looks like this:


19 - Firebird


The recommended connector library for Firebird is sqlalchemy-firebird. StreamZero has been tested on sqlalchemy-firebird>=0.7.0, <0.8.

The recommended connection string is:


Here’s a connection string example of StreamZero connecting to a local Firebird database:


20 - Firebolt


The recommended connector library for Firebolt is firebolt-sqlalchemy. StreamZero has been tested on firebolt-sqlalchemy>=0.0.1.

The recommended connection string is:


Here’s a connection string example of StreamZero connecting to a Firebolt database:


21 - Google BigQuery

Google BigQuery

The recommended connector library for BigQuery is pybigquery.

Install BigQuery Driver

Follow the steps here about how to install new database drivers when setting up StreamZero locally via docker-compose.

echo "pybigquery" >> ./docker/requirements-local.txt

Connecting to BigQuery

When adding a new BigQuery connection in StreamZero, you’ll need to add the GCP Service Account credentials file (as a JSON).

  1. Create your Service Account via the Google Cloud Platform control panel, provide it access to the appropriate BigQuery datasets, and download the JSON configuration file for the service account.
  2. In StreamZero you can either upload that JSON or add the JSON blob in the following format (this should be the content of your credential JSON file):
        "type": "service_account",
        "project_id": "...",
        "private_key_id": "...",
        "private_key": "...",
        "client_email": "...",
        "client_id": "...",
        "auth_uri": "...",
        "token_uri": "...",
        "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "...",
        "client_x509_cert_url": "..."
  1. Additionally, can connect via SQLAlchemy URI instead

    The connection string for BigQuery looks like:


    Go to the Advanced tab, Add a JSON blob to the Secure Extra field in the database configuration form with the following format:

    "credentials_info": <contents of credentials JSON file>

    The resulting file should have this structure:

     "credentials_info": {
         "type": "service_account",
         "project_id": "...",
         "private_key_id": "...",
         "private_key": "...",
         "client_email": "...",
         "client_id": "...",
         "auth_uri": "...",
         "token_uri": "...",
         "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "...",
         "client_x509_cert_url": "..."

You should then be able to connect to your BigQuery datasets.

To be able to upload CSV or Excel files to BigQuery in StreamZero, you’ll need to also add the pandas_gbq library.

22 - Google Sheets

Google Sheets

Google Sheets has a very limited SQL API. The recommended connector library for Google Sheets is shillelagh.

23 - Hana


The recommended connector library is sqlalchemy-hana.

The connection string is formatted as follows:


24 - Hologres


Hologres is a real-time interactive analytics service developed by Alibaba Cloud. It is fully compatible with PostgreSQL 11 and integrates seamlessly with the big data ecosystem.

Hologres sample connection parameters:

  • User Name: The AccessKey ID of your Alibaba Cloud account.
  • Password: The AccessKey secret of your Alibaba Cloud account.
  • Database Host: The public endpoint of the Hologres instance.
  • Database Name: The name of the Hologres database.
  • Port: The port number of the Hologres instance.

The connection string looks like:


25 - IBM DB2


The IBM_DB_SA library provides a Python / SQLAlchemy interface to IBM Data Servers.

Here’s the recommended connection string:


There are two DB2 dialect versions implemented in SQLAlchemy. If you are connecting to a DB2 version without LIMIT [n] syntax, the recommended connection string to be able to use the SQL Lab is:


26 - IBM Netezza Performance Server

IBM Netezza Performance Server

The nzalchemy library provides a Python / SQLAlchemy interface to IBM Netezza Performance Server (aka Netezza).

Here’s the recommended connection string:


27 - Microsoft SQL Server

SQL Server

The recommended connector library for SQL Server is pymssql.

The connection string for SQL Server looks like this:

mssql+pymssql://<Username>:<Password>@<Host>:<Port-default:1433>/<Database Name>/?Encrypt=yes

28 - MySQL


The recommended connector library for MySQL is mysqlclient.

Here’s the connection string:



  • For Localhost or Docker running Linux: localhost or
  • For On Prem: IP address or Host name
  • For Docker running in OSX: Port: 3306 by default

One problem with mysqlclient is that it will fail to connect to newer MySQL databases using caching_sha2_password for authentication, since the plugin is not included in the client. In this case, you should use [mysql-connector-python]( instead:


29 - Oracle


The recommended connector library is cx_Oracle.

The connection string is formatted as follows:


30 - Postgres


Note that, if you’re using docker-compose, the Postgres connector library psycopg2 comes out of the box with Feris.

Postgres sample connection parameters:

  • User Name: UserName
  • Password: DBPassword
  • Database Host:
    • For Localhost: localhost or
    • For On Prem: IP address or Host name
    • For AWS Endpoint
  • Database Name: Database Name
  • Port: default 5432

The connection string looks like:


You can require SSL by adding ?sslmode=require at the end:


You can read about the other SSL modes that Postgres supports in Table 31-1 from this documentation.

More information about PostgreSQL connection options can be found in the SQLAlchemy docs and the PostgreSQL docs.

31 - Presto


The pyhive library is the recommended way to connect to Presto through SQLAlchemy.

The expected connection string is formatted as follows:


You can pass in a username and password as well:


Here is an example connection string with values:


By default StreamZero assumes the most recent version of Presto is being used when querying the datasource. If you’re using an older version of Presto, you can configure it in the extra parameter:

    "version": "0.123"

32 - Rockset


The connection string for Rockset is:


For more complete instructions, we recommend the Rockset documentation.

33 - Snowflake


The recommended connector library for Snowflake is snowflake-sqlalchemy<=1.2.4.

The connection string for Snowflake looks like this:


The schema is not necessary in the connection string, as it is defined per table/query. The role and warehouse can be omitted if defaults are defined for the user, i.e.


Make sure the user has privileges to access and use all required databases/schemas/tables/views/warehouses, as the Snowflake SQLAlchemy engine does not test for user/role rights during engine creation by default. However, when pressing the “Test Connection” button in the Create or Edit Database dialog, user/role credentials are validated by passing “validate_default_parameters”: True to the connect() method during engine creation. If the user/role is not authorized to access the database, an error is recorded in the StreamZero logs.

34 - Teradata


The recommended connector library is teradatasqlalchemy.

The connection string for Teradata looks like this:


ODBC Driver

There’s also an older connector named sqlalchemy-teradata that requires the installation of ODBC drivers. The Teradata ODBC Drivers are available here:

Here are the required environment variables:

export ODBCINI=/.../teradata/client/ODBC_64/odbc.ini
export ODBCINST=/.../teradata/client/ODBC_64/odbcinst.ini

We recommend using the first library because of the lack of requirement around ODBC drivers and because it’s more regularly updated.

35 - Trino


Supported trino version 352 and higher

The sqlalchemy-trino library is the recommended way to connect to Trino through SQLAlchemy.

The expected connection string is formatted as follows:


If you are running trino with docker on local machine please use the following connection URL


Reference: Trino-Feris-Podcast

36 - Vertica


The recommended connector library is sqlalchemy-vertica-python. The Vertica connection parameters are:

  • User Name: UserName
  • Password: DBPassword
  • Database Host:
    • For Localhost : localhost or
    • For On Prem : IP address or Host name
    • For Cloud: IP Address or Host Name
  • Database Name: Database Name
  • Port: default 5433

The connection string is formatted as follows:


Other parameters:

  • Load Balancer - Backup Host

37 - YugabyteDB


YugabyteDB is a distributed SQL database built on top of PostgreSQL.

Note that, if you’re using docker-compose, the Postgres connector library psycopg2 comes out of the box with StreamZero.

The connection string looks like:
